.. _flycheck-extensions: ======================== Recommended extensions ======================== The Emacs community has produced a number of extensions to Flycheck. This page lists all that we know of and can safely recommend to our users. *Official* extensions are (co-)maintained by the :ref:`Flycheck maintainers ` who will take care to update official extensions in case of breaking changes in Flycheck and work to provide extra API for extensions if needed. If you'd like to make your extension an *official* one and move it into the `Flycheck Github organisation`_ please contact a :ref:`maintainer `. If you do know extensions not in this list, or would like to see your own extension here, please feel free to `add it`_. We would like to thank all people who created and contributed to Flycheck extensions for their awesome work. Without your help and support Flycheck would not be what it is today. .. _add it: https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck/edit/master/doc/community/extensions.rst .. _Flycheck Github organisation: https://github.com/flycheck User interface ============== These extensions change Flycheck’s user interface: * :flyc:`flycheck-color-mode-line` (*official*) colors the mode line according to the Flycheck status. * :flyc:`flycheck-pos-tip` (*official*) shows Flycheck error messages in a graphical popup. * :gh:`liblit/flycheck-status-emoji` adds cute emoji (e.g. 😱 for errors) to Flycheck’s mode line status. * :gh:`Wilfred/flycheck-title` shows Flycheck error messages in the frame title. * :flyc:`flycheck-inline` shows Flycheck error messages in the buffer, directly below their origin. Language support ================ These extensions add support for new languages, or improve support for built-in languages. They are grouped by the corresponding language so you can jump directly to the languages that interest you: .. contents:: Languages :local: Cadence ------- * :gh:`cmarqu/flycheck-hdl-irun` adds a syntax checker for hardware description languages supported by `Cadence IES/irun`_. .. _Cadence IES/irun: https://www.cadence.com/content/cadence-www/global/en_US/home/tools/system-design-and-verification/simulation-and-testbench-verification/incisive-enterprise-simulator.html Clojure ------- * :gh:`clojure-emacs/squiggly-clojure` adds syntax checking for Clojure. C/C++/Objective C ----------------- * :gh:`Wilfred/flycheck-pkg-config` configures Flycheck to use settings from `pkg-config`_ when checking C/C++. * :gh:`Sarcasm/flycheck-irony` adds a Flycheck syntax checker for C, C++ and Objective C using :gh:`Irony Mode `. .. _pkg-config: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config/ D - * :flyc:`flycheck-d-unittest` (*official*) adds a Flycheck checker to run unit tests for D programs on the fly. Elixir ------ * :gh:`tomekowal/flycheck-mix` adds an Elixir syntax checker using the ``mix`` build tool. Emacs Lisp ---------- * :flyc:`flycheck-cask` (*official*) makes Flycheck use Cask packages for Emacs Lisp syntax checking in Cask_ projects. * :gh:`purcell/flycheck-package` checks Emacs Lisp packages for common problems with package metadata. .. _Cask: https://github.com/cask/cask Julia ----- * :gh:`gdkrmr/flycheck-julia` makes linting for Julia_ available via Lint.jl_. .. _Julia: https://julialang.org .. _Lint.jl: https://lintjl.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ Haskell ------- * :flyc:`flycheck-haskell` (*official*) configures Flycheck from the Cabal settings and sandbox in Haskell projects. Ledger ------ * :gh:`purcell/flycheck-ledger` adds a syntax checker for the Ledger_ accounting tool. .. _Ledger: https://ledger-cli.org/ Mercury ------- * :flyc:`flycheck-mercury` (*official*) adds a syntax checker for the Mercury_ language. .. _Mercury: http://mercurylang.org/ OCaml ----- * :flyc:`flycheck-ocaml` (*official*) adds a syntax checker for OCaml using the :gh:`Merlin ` backend. PHP --- * :gh:`emacs-php/phpstan.el` adds a PHP static analyzer using PHPStan_. .. _PHPStan: https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan Python ------ * :gh:`Wilfred/flycheck-pyflakes` adds a Python syntax checker using Pyflakes_. * :gh:`msherry/flycheck-pycheckers` adds a checker for Python that can run multiple syntax checkers simultaneously (Pyflakes_, PEP8, Mypy_ 2/3, etc.). * :gh:`chocoelho/flycheck-prospector` adds Prospector_ checker for Python syntax. .. _Pyflakes: https://github.com/PyCQA/pyflakes .. _Prospector: https://github.com/PyCQA/prospector .. _Mypy: http://mypy-lang.org/ Rust ---- * :flyc:`flycheck-rust` (*official*) configures Flycheck according to the Cargo settings and layouts of the current Rust project. Shell scripts ------------- * :gh:`Gnouc/flycheck-checkbashisms` adds a shell script syntax checker using ``checkbashisms`` which is part of `Debian devscripts`_ and checks for common Bash constructs in POSIX shell scripts. .. _Debian devscripts: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/devscripts