======== People ======== .. _flycheck-teams: Teams ===== .. _flycheck-maintainers: Maintainers ----------- * **Sebastian Wiesner** (:gh:`lunaryorn`, owner, GPG key ``C4EC41E35C42FE98``, `keybase `_) * **Clément Pit--Claudel** (:gh:`cpitclaudel`, owner) We maintain Flycheck and all official extensions within the `Flycheck organisation`_, and set the direction and scope of Flycheck. We review and accept pull requests and feature proposals and fix bugs in Flycheck. Emphasized users are also owners of the `Flycheck Organisation`_, and thus have administrative privileges for all repositories in Flycheck. Notably only owners can currently make Flycheck releases, and their GPG keys sign release tags for Flycheck. Mention with ``@flycheck/maintainers``. .. _Flycheck Organisation: https://github.com/flycheck .. _flycheck-moderators: Moderators ---------- Our moderators help uphold our :doc:`conduct`. Currently, we do not have a dedicated moderation team; all our :ref:`flycheck-maintainers` also serve as moderators in our Github organisation and in our official communication channels. Mention with ``@flycheck/moderators``. .. note:: If you’d like to help out with moderation, please contact a maintainer. .. _flycheck-language-teams: Language teams -------------- These teams provide support for particular languages in Flycheck. Elixir ~~~~~~ * Aaron Jensen (:gh:`aaronjensen`) * Kári Tristan Helgason (:gh:`kthelgason`) Mention with ``@flycheck/elixir``. Go ~~ * Dominik Honnef (:gh:`dominikh`) Mention with ``@flycheck/go``. Haskell ~~~~~~~ * Sergey Vinokurov (:gh:`sergv`) Mention with ``@flycheck/haskell``. Javascript ~~~~~~~~~~ * Saša Jovanić (:gh:`Simplify`) Mention with ``@flycheck/javascript``. Lua ~~~ * Gordon Gao (:gh:`ghprince`) Mention with ``@flycheck/lua``. Puppet ~~~~~~ * Romanos Skiadas (:gh:`rski`) Mention with ``@flycheck/puppet``. Rust ~~~~ * :gh:`fmdkdd` * Michael Pankov (:gh:`mkpankov`) Mention with ``@flycheck/rust``. TypeScript ~~~~~~~~~~ * Saša Jovanić (:gh:`Simplify`) Mention with ``@flycheck/typescript``. Packagers ========= We would like to thank all people who package Flycheck on behalf of distributions and support our development efforts with their feedback, their patches and their testing: * Sean Whitton (:gh:`spwhitton`) and the `Debian Emacs addon team`_ (Debian packages) .. _Debian Emacs addon team: https://pkg-emacsen.alioth.debian.org/ Acknowledgements ================ We would also like to thank the following people and projects: * Bozhidar Batsov (:gh:`bbatsov`) for his valuable feedback and his constant support and endorsement of Flycheck from the very beginning. Notably he added Flycheck to his popular :gh:`Prelude ` project at a very early stage and thus brought Flycheck to many new users. * Magnar Sveen (:gh:`magnars`) for his :gh:`dash.el ` and :gh:`s.el ` libraries, which support considerable parts of Flycheck internals, and greatly helped to overcome Sebastian’s initial aversion to Emacs Lisp. * Martin Grenfell (:gh:`scrooloose`) for the Vim syntax checking extension :gh:`Syntastic ` which saved Sebastian’s life back when he was using Vim, and served as inspiration for Flycheck and many of its syntax checkers. * Matthias Güdemann (:gh:`mgudemann`), for his invaluable work on Flycheck’s logo. * Pavel Kobyakov for his work on GNU Flymake, which is a great work on its own, despite its flaws and weaknesses. * Simon Carter (:gh:`bbbscarter`), for his patient in-depth testing of automatic syntax checking, and his very constructive feedback. * Steve Purcell (:gh:`purcell`) for his valuable feedback, the fruitful discussions and his important ideas about the shape and design of Flycheck, and his indispensible and dedicated work on MELPA, which drives the continuous distribution of Flycheck to its users. Contributors ============ The following people—listed in alphabetical order—contributed substantial code to Flycheck: * Aaron Jensen (:gh:`aaronjensen`) * Alain Kalker (:gh:`ackalker`) * Alex Reed (:gh:`acr4`) * Atila Neves (:gh:`atilaneves`) * Bozhidar Batsov (:gh:`bbatsov`) * Clément Pit--Claudel (:gh:`cpitclaudel`, maintainer, owner) * Cristian Capdevila (:gh:`capdevc`) * Damon Haley (:gh:`dhaley`) * David Caldwell (:gh:`caldwell`) * David Holm (:gh:`dholm`) * DEADB17 (:gh:`DEADB17`) * Deokhwan Kim (:gh:`dkim`) * Derek Chen-Becker (:gh:`dchenbecker`) * Derek Harland (:gh:`donkopotamus`) * Dominik Honnef (:gh:`dominikh`) * Doug MacEachern (:gh:`dougm`) * Drew Wells (:gh:`drewwells`) * Erik Hetzner (:gh:`egh`) * Fanael Linithien (:gh:`Fanael`) * :gh:`fmdkdd` * Fred Morcos (:gh:`fredmorcos`) * Gereon Frey (:gh:`gfrey`) * Gordon Gao (:gh:`ghprince`) * Gulshan Singh (:gh:`gsingh93`) * Iain Beeston (:gh:`iainbeeston`) * Ibrahim Awwal (:gh:`ibrahima`) * Jackson Ray Hamilton (:gh:`jacksonrayhamilton`) * Jim Hester (:gh:`jimhester`) * Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong (:gh:`wyuenho`) * Kári Tristan Helgason (:gh:`kthelgason`) * Krzysztof Witkowski (:gh:`kwitek`) * Lee Adams (:gh:`leeaustinadams`) * Lorenzo Villani (:gh:`lvillani`) * Magnar Sveen (:gh:`magnars`) * Malyshev Artem (:gh:`proofit404`) * Manuel Uberti (:gh:`manuel-uberti`) * Marcin Antczak (:gh:`marcinant`) * Marcus Majewski (:gh:`hekto`) * Marian Schubert (:gh:`maio`) * Mario Rodas (:gh:`marsam`) * Mark Hellewell (:gh:`markhellewell`) * Mark Karpov (:gh:`mrkkrp`) * Matthew Curry (:gh:`strawhatguy`) * Matthias Dahl (:gh:`BinaryKhaos`) * Michael Pankov (:gh:`mkpankov`) * Michael Alan Dorman (:gh:`mdorman`) * Miro Bezjak (:gh:`mbezjak`) * Mitch Tishmack (:gh:`mitchty`) * Moritz Bunkus (:gh:`mbunkus`) * Omair Majid (:gh:`omajid`) * Per Nordlöw (:gh:`nordlow`) * Peter Eisentraut (:gh:`petere`) * Philipp Stephani (:gh:`phst`) * Peter Vasil (:gh:`ptrv`) * Robert Dallas Gray (:gh:`rdallasgray`) * Robert O'Connor (:gh:`robbyoconnor`) * Robert Zaremba (:gh:`robert-zaremba`) * Saša Jovanić (:gh:`Simplify`) * Sean Gillespie (:gh:`swgillespie`) * Sean Salmon (:gh:`phatcabbage`) * Sebastian Beyer (:gh:`sebastianbeyer`) * Sebastian Wiesner (:gh:`lunaryorn`, founder, maintainer, owner) * Sergey Vinokurov (:gh:`sergv`) * Stephen Lewis (:gh:`stephenjlewis`) * Steve Purcell (:gh:`purcell`) * Sven Keidel (:gh:`svenkeidel`) * Sylvain Benner (:gh:`syl20bnr`) * Sylvain Rousseau (:gh:`thisirs`) * Syohei Yoshida (:gh:`syohex`) * Ted Zlatanov (:gh:`tzz`) * Tom Jakubowski (:gh:`tomjakubowski`) * Tomoya Tanjo (:gh:`tom-tan`) * Victor Deryagin (:gh:`vderyagin`) * Vlatko Basic (:gh:`vlatkoB`) * William Cummings (:gh:`wcummings`) * William Xu (:gh:`xwl`) * Yannick Roehlly (:gh:`yannick1974`) * Yasuyuki Oka (:gh:`yasuyk`) * Zhuo Yuan (:gh:`yzprofile`) * Łukasz Jędrzejewski (:gh:`jedrz`) For a complete list of all code contributors see the `Contributor Graph`_ or ``git shortlog --summary``. .. _Contributor Graph: https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck/graphs/contributors