.. _flycheck-languages: ===================== Supported Languages ===================== This document lists all programming and markup languages which Flycheck supports. .. note:: Extensions may provide support for additional languages or add deeper integration with existing languages. Take a look at the :ref:`list of extensions ` to see what the community can offer to you. Each language has one or more syntax checkers whose names follow a convention of :samp:`{language}-{tool}`. All syntax checkers are listed in the order they would be applied to a buffer, with all available options. For more information about a syntax checker open Emacs and use :command:`flycheck-describe-checker` to view the docstring of the syntax checker. Likewise, you may use :command:`describe-variable` to read the complete docstring of any option. .. supported-language:: Ada .. syntax-checker:: ada-gnat Check ADA syntax and types with `GNAT`_. .. _GNAT: http://libre.adacore.com/tools/gnat-gpl-edition .. option:: flycheck-gnat-args A list of additional options. .. option:: flycheck-gnat-include-path A list of include directories. Relative paths are relative to the path of the buffer being checked. .. option:: flycheck-gnat-language-standard The language standard to use as string. .. option:: flycheck-gnat-warnings A list of additional warnings to enable. Each item is the name of a warning category to enable. .. supported-language:: AsciiDoc .. syntax-checker:: asciidoc Check AsciiDoc_ with the standard AsciiDoc processor. .. _AsciiDoc: http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc .. supported-language:: C/C++ :index_as: C C++ Flycheck checks C and C++ with either `c/c++-clang` or `c/c++-gcc`, and then with `c/c++-cppcheck`. .. syntax-checker:: c/c++-clang c/c++-gcc Check C/C++ for syntax and type errors with Clang_ or GCC_ respectively. .. _Clang: http://clang.llvm.org/ .. _GCC: https://gcc.gnu.org/ .. option:: flycheck-clang-args flycheck-gcc-args A list of additional arguments for `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively. .. option:: flycheck-clang-blocks Whether to enable blocks in `c/c++-clang`. .. option:: flycheck-clang-definitions flycheck-gcc-definitions A list of additional preprocessor definitions for `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively. .. option:: flycheck-clang-include-path flycheck-gcc-include-path A list of include directories for `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively, relative to the file being checked. .. option:: flycheck-clang-includes flycheck-gcc-includes A list of additional include files for `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively, relative to the file being checked. .. option:: flycheck-clang-language-standard flycheck-gcc-language-standard The language standard to use in `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively as string, via the ``-std`` option. .. option:: flycheck-clang-ms-extensions Whether to enable Microsoft extensions to C/C++ in `c/c++-clang`. .. option:: flycheck-clang-no-exceptions flycheck-gcc-no-exceptions Whether to disable exceptions in `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively. .. option:: flycheck-clang-no-rtti flycheck-gcc-no-rtti Whether to disable RTTI in `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively, via ``-fno-rtti``. .. option:: flycheck-clang-standard-library The name of the standard library to use for `c/c++-clang`, as string. .. option:: flycheck-gcc-openmp Whether to enable OpenMP in `c/c++-gcc`. .. option:: flycheck-clang-pedantic flycheck-gcc-pedantic Whether to warn about language extensions in `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively. .. option:: flycheck-clang-pedantic-errors flycheck-gcc-pedantic-errors Whether to error on language extensions in `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively. .. option:: flycheck-clang-warnings flycheck-gcc-warnings A list of additional warnings to enable in `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively. Each item is the name of a warning or warning category for ``-W``. .. syntax-checker:: c/c++-cppcheck Check C/C++ for semantic and stylistic issues with cppcheck_. .. _cppcheck: http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net/ .. option:: flycheck-cppcheck-checks A list of enabled checks. Each item is the name of a check for the ``--enable`` option. .. option:: flycheck-cppcheck-inconclusive Whether to enable inconclusive checks. These checks may yield more false positives than normal checks. .. option:: flycheck-cppcheck-include-path A list of include directories. Relative paths are relative to the file being checked. .. option:: flycheck-cppcheck-language-standard The C or C++ language standard to use via ``--std=``. .. supported-language:: CFEngine .. syntax-checker:: cfengine Check syntax with `CFEngine `_. .. supported-language:: Chef .. syntax-checker:: chef-foodcritic Check style in Chef recipes with `foodcritic `_. .. option:: flycheck-foodcritic-tags A list of tags to select. .. supported-language:: Coffeescript Flycheck checks Coffeescript syntax with `coffee` and then lints with `coffee-coffeelint`. .. syntax-checker:: coffee Check syntax with the `Coffeescript `_ compiler. .. syntax-checker:: coffee-coffeelint Lint with `Coffeelint `_. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-coffeelintrc .. supported-language:: Coq .. syntax-checker:: coq Check and proof with the standard `Coq `_ compiler. .. supported-language:: CSS .. syntax-checker:: css-csslint Check syntax and style with `CSSLint`_. .. _CSSLint: https://github.com/CSSLint/csslint .. supported-language:: D .. syntax-checker:: d-dmd Check syntax and types with (`DMD `_). .. option:: flycheck-dmd-include-path A list of include directories. .. option:: flycheck-dmd-args A list of additional arguments. .. seealso:: :flyc:`flycheck-d-unittest` Flycheck extension which provides a syntax checker to run D unittests on the fly and report the results with Flycheck. .. supported-language:: Emacs Lisp Flycheck checks Emacs Lisp with `emacs-lisp` and then with `emacs-lisp-checkdoc`. .. syntax-checker:: emacs-lisp Check syntax with the built-in byte compiler. .. option:: flycheck-emacs-lisp-load-path The load path as list of strings. Relative directories are expanded against the `default-directory` of the buffer being checked. .. option:: flycheck-emacs-lisp-initialize-packages Whether to initialize Emacs' package manager with `package-initialize` before checking the buffer. If set to :elisp:`auto` (the default), only initialize the package managers when checking files under `user-emacs-directory`. .. option:: flycheck-emacs-lisp-package-user-dir The package directory as string. Has no effect if `flycheck-emacs-lisp-initialize-packages` is nil. .. syntax-checker:: emacs-lisp-checkdoc Check Emacs Lisp documentation conventions with ``checkdoc``. .. seealso:: :infonode:`(elisp)Documentation Tips` Information about documentation conventions for Emacs Lisp. :gh:`purcell/flycheck-package` Flycheck extension which adds a syntax checker to check for violation of Emacs Lisp library headers and packaging conventions. :infonode:`(elisp)Library Headers` Information about library headers for Emacs Lisp files. .. supported-language:: Erlang .. syntax-checker:: erlang Check Erlang with the standard `Erlang `_ compiler. .. option:: flycheck-erlang-include-path A list of include directories. .. option:: flycheck-erlang-library-path A list of library directories. .. supported-language:: ERuby .. syntax-checker:: eruby-erubis Check ERuby with `erubis `_. .. supported-language:: Fortran .. syntax-checker:: fortran-gfortran Check Fortran syntax and type with GFortran_. .. _GFortran: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gfortran/ .. option:: flycheck-gfortran-args A list of additional arguments. .. option:: flycheck-gfortran-include-path A list of include directories. Relative paths are relative to the file being checked. .. option:: flycheck-gfortran-language-standard The language standard to use via the ``-std`` option. .. option:: flycheck-gfortran-layout The source code layout to use. Set to :elisp:`free` or :elisp:`fixed` for free or fixed layout respectively, or nil (the default) to let GFortran automatically determine the layout. .. option:: flycheck-gfortran-warnings A list of warnings enabled via the ``-W`` option. .. supported-language:: Go Flycheck checks Go with the following checkers: 1. `go-gofmt` 2. `go-golint` 3. `go-vet` 4. `go-build` or `go-test` 5. `go-errcheck` 6. `go-unconvert` .. syntax-checker:: go-gofmt Check Go syntax with `gofmt `_. .. syntax-checker:: go-golint Check Go code style with `Golint `_. .. syntax-checker:: go-vet Check Go for suspicious code with vet_. .. option:: flycheck-go-vet-print-functions A list of print-like functions to check calls for format string problems. .. option:: flycheck-go-vet-shadow Whether to check for shadowed variables, in Go 1.6 or newer. .. _vet: https://golang.org/cmd/vet/ .. syntax-checker:: go-build Check syntax and type with the `Go compiler`_. .. _Go compiler: https://golang.org/cmd/go .. option:: flycheck-go-build-install-deps Whether to install dependencies while checking. .. option:: flycheck-go-build-tags A list of build tags. .. syntax-checker:: go-test Check syntax and types of Go tests with the `Go compiler`_. .. syntax-checker:: go-errcheck Check for unhandled error returns in Go with errcheck_. .. _errcheck: https://github.com/kisielk/errcheck .. syntax-checker:: go-unconvert Check for unnecessary type conversions with unconvert_. .. _unconvert: https://github.com/mdempsky/unconvert .. supported-language:: Groovy .. syntax-checker:: groovy Check syntax using the `Groovy `_ compiler. .. supported-language:: Haml .. syntax-checker:: haml Check syntax with the `Haml `_ compiler. .. supported-language:: Handlebars .. syntax-checker:: handlebars Check syntax with the `Handlebars `_ compiler. .. supported-language:: Haskell Flycheck checks Haskell with `haskell-stack-ghc` (in Stack projects) or `haskell-ghc`, and then with `haskell-hlint`. .. seealso:: :flyc:`flycheck-haskell` Flycheck extension to configure Flycheck's Haskell checkers from the metadata, with support for Cabal sandboxes. :flyc:`flycheck-hdevtools` Flycheck extension which adds an alternative syntax checker for GHC using `hdevtools `_. .. syntax-checker:: haskell-stack-ghc haskell-ghc Check syntax and type GHC_. In Stack_ projects invoke GHC through Stack to bring package dependencies from Stack in. .. _GHC: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ .. _Stack: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack .. option:: flycheck-ghc-args A list of additional arguments. .. option:: flycheck-ghc-no-user-package-database Whether to disable the user package database (only for `haskell-ghc`). .. option:: flycheck-ghc-stack-use-nix Whether to enable Nix support for Stack (only for `haskell-stack-ghc`). .. option:: flycheck-ghc-package-databases A list of additional package databases for GHC (only for `haskell-ghc`). Each item points to a directory containing a package directory, via ``-package-db``. .. option:: flycheck-ghc-search-path A list of module directories, via ``-i``. .. option:: flycheck-ghc-language-extensions A list of language extensions, via ``-X``. .. syntax-checker:: haskell-hlint Lint with `hlint `_. .. option:: flycheck-hlint-args A list of additional arguments. .. option:: flycheck-hlint-language-extensions A list of language extensions to enable. .. option:: flycheck-hlint-ignore-rules A list of rules to ignore. .. option:: flycheck-hlint-hint-packages A list of additional hint packages to include. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-hlintrc .. supported-language:: HTML .. syntax-checker:: html-tidy Check HTML syntax and style with `Tidy HTML5`_. .. _Tidy HTML5: https://github.com/htacg/tidy-html5 .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-tidyrc .. supported-language:: Jade .. syntax-checker:: jade Check syntax using the `Jade `_ compiler. .. supported-language:: Javascript Flycheck checks Javascript with one of `javascript-eslint`, `javascript-jshint` or `javascript-gjslint`, and then with `javascript-jscs`. Alternatively `javascript-standard` is used instead all of the former ones. .. syntax-checker:: javascript-eslint Check syntax and lint with `ESLint `_. .. option:: flycheck-eslint-rulesdir A directory with custom rules. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-eslintrc .. syntax-checker:: javascript-jshint Check syntax and lint with `JSHint `_. .. option:: flycheck-jshint-extract-javascript Whether to extract Javascript from HTML before linting. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-jshintrc .. syntax-checker:: javascript-gjslint Lint with `Closure Linter`_. .. _Closure Linter: https://developers.google.com/closure/utilities .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-gjslintrc .. syntax-checker:: javascript-jscs Check code style with `JSCS `_. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-jscsrc .. syntax-checker:: javascript-standard Check syntax and code style with Standard_ or Semistandard_. .. _Standard: https://github.com/feross/standard .. _Semistandard: https://github.com/Flet/semistandard .. supported-language:: JSON Flycheck checks JSON with `json-jsonlint` or `json-python-json`. .. syntax-checker:: json-jsonlint Check JSON with `jsonlint `_. .. syntax-checker:: json-python-json Check JSON with Python's built-in :py:mod:`json` module. .. supported-language:: Less .. syntax-checker:: less Check syntax with the `Less `_ compiler. .. supported-language:: Lua Flycheck checks Lua with `luacheck`, falling back to `lua`. .. syntax-checker:: luacheck Check syntax and lint with Luacheck_. .. _Luacheck: https://github.com/mpeterv/luacheck .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-luacheckrc .. syntax-checker:: lua Check syntax with the `Lua compiler `_. .. supported-language:: Markdown .. syntax-checker:: markdown-mdl Check Markdown with `markdownlint `_. .. option:: flycheck-markdown-mdl-rules A list of enabled rules. .. option:: flycheck-markdown-mdl-tags A list of enabled rule tags. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-markdown-mdl-style .. supported-language:: Perl Flycheck checks Perl with `perl` and `perl-perlcritic`. .. syntax-checker:: perl Check syntax with the `Perl `_ interpreter. .. option:: flycheck-perl-include-path A list of include directories, relative to the file being checked. .. syntax-checker:: perl-perlcritic Lint and check style with `Perl::Critic`_. .. _Perl::Critic: https://metacpan.org/pod/Perl::Critic .. option:: flycheck-perlcritic-severity The severity level as integer for the ``--severity``. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-perlcriticrc .. supported-language:: PHP Flycheck checks PHP with `php`, `php-phpmd` and `php-phpcs`. .. syntax-checker:: php Check syntax with `PHP CLI`_ .. _PHP CLI: http://php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.php .. syntax-checker:: php-phpmd Lint with `PHP Mess Detector `_. .. option:: flycheck-phpmd-rulesets A list of rule sets. Each item is either the name of a default rule set, or the path to a custom rule set file. .. syntax-checker:: php-phpcs Check style with `PHP Code Sniffer`_. Needs PHP Code Sniffer 2.6 or newer. .. _PHP Code Sniffer: http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer .. option:: flycheck-phpcs-standard The coding standard, either as name of a built-in standard, or as path to a standard specification. .. supported-language:: Processing .. syntax-checker:: processing Check syntax using the `Processing `_ compiler. .. supported-language:: Puppet Flycheck checks Puppet with `puppet-parser` and lints with `puppet-lint`. .. syntax-checker:: puppet-parser Check syntax with the `Puppet `_ compiler. .. syntax-checker:: puppet-lint Link with `Puppet Lint `_. .. option:: flycheck-puppet-lint-disabled-checks A list of checks to disable. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-puppet-lint-rc .. supported-language:: Python Flycheck checks Python with `python-flake8` or `python-pylint`, and falls back to `python-pycompile` if neither of those is available. .. seealso:: :gh:`flycheck-pyflakes ` Flycheck extension which adds a syntax checker using `Pyflakes `_. .. syntax-checker:: python-flake8 Check syntax and lint with `flake8 `_. .. option:: flycheck-flake8-error-level-alist An alist mapping Flake8 error IDs to Flycheck error levels. .. option:: flycheck-flake8-maximum-complexity The maximum McCabe complexity allowed for methods. .. option:: flycheck-flake8-maximum-line-length The maximum length of lines. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-flake8rc .. syntax-checker:: python-pylint Check syntax and lint with `Pylint `_. .. option:: flycheck-pylint-use-symbolic-id Whether to report symbolic (e.g. ``no-name-in-module``) or numeric (e.g. ``E0611``) message identifiers. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-pylintrc .. syntax-checker:: python-pycompile Check syntax with Python's byte compiler (see :py:mod:`py_compile`). .. supported-language:: R .. syntax-checker:: r-lintr Check syntax and lint with `lintr `_. .. option:: flycheck-lintr-caching Whether to enable caching in lintr. On by default; it is not recommended to disable caching unless it causes actual problems. .. option:: flycheck-lintr-linters Linters to use as a string with an R expression which selects the linters to use. .. supported-language:: Racket .. syntax-checker:: racket Check syntax with `raco expand`_ from the ``compiler-lib`` package. .. _raco expand: http://docs.racket-lang.org/raco/expand.html .. supported-language:: RPM Spec .. syntax-checker:: rpm-rpmlint Lint with `rpmlint `_. .. supported-language:: reStructuredText Flycheck checks reStructuredText with `rst-sphinx` in Sphinx_ projects and with `rst` otherwise. .. _Sphinx: http://sphinx-doc.org/ .. syntax-checker:: rst-sphinx Check documents with Sphinx_. .. option:: flycheck-sphinx-warn-on-missing-references Whether to emit warnings for all missing references. .. syntax-checker:: rst Check documents with `docutils `_. .. supported-language:: Ruby Flycheck checks Ruby with `ruby-rubocop` and `ruby-rubylint`, falling back to `ruby` or `ruby-jruby` for basic syntax checking if those are not available. .. syntax-checker:: ruby-rubocop Check syntax and lint with `RuboCop `_. .. option:: flycheck-rubocop-lint-only Whether to suppress warnings about style issues, via the ``--lint`` option. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-rubocoprc .. syntax-checker:: ruby-rubylint Check syntax and lint with ruby-lint_. .. _ruby-lint: http://code.yorickpeterse.com/ruby-lint/latest/ .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-rubylintrc .. syntax-checker:: ruby Check syntax with the `Ruby `_ interpreter. .. syntax-checker:: ruby-jruby Check syntax with the `JRuby `_ interpreter. .. supported-language:: Rust Flycheck checks Rust_ with `rust-cargo` in Cargo projects, or `rust` otherwise. .. _Rust: https://www.rust-lang.org/ .. syntax-checker:: rust-cargo rust Check syntax and types with the Rust_ compiler. In a Cargo_ project the compiler is invoked through ``cargo rustc`` to take Cargo dependencies into account. .. _Cargo: http://doc.crates.io/index.html .. seealso:: :flyc:`flycheck-rust` Flycheck extension to configure Rust syntax checkers according to the current Cargo_ project. .. option:: flycheck-rust-args A list of additional arguments. .. option:: flycheck-rust-check-tests Whether to check test code in Rust. .. option:: flycheck-rust-crate-root A path to the crate root for the current buffer, or nil if the current buffer is a crate by itself. `rust-cargo` ignores this option as the crate root is given by Cargo. .. option:: flycheck-rust-crate-type The type of the crate to check, as string for the ``--crate-type`` option. .. option:: flycheck-rust-library-path A list of additional library directories. Relative paths are relative to the buffer being checked. .. supported-language:: Sass .. syntax-checker:: sass Check syntax with the `Sass `_ compiler. .. option:: flycheck-sass-compass Whether to enable the Compass CSS framework via ``--compass``. .. supported-language:: Scala Flycheck checks Scala with `scala` and `scala-scalastyle`. .. syntax-checker:: scala Check syntax and types with the `Scala `_ compiler. .. note:: This syntax checker is fairly primitive. For a better Scala experience we recommend Ensime_. .. _Ensime: http://ensime.github.io .. syntax-checker:: scala-scalastyle Check style with `Scalastyle `_. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-scalastylerc .. important:: A configuration file is mandatory for this syntax checker. If `flycheck-scalastylerc` is not set or the configuration file not found this syntax checker will not be applied. .. supported-language:: SCSS Flycheck checks SCSS with `scss-lint`, falling back to `scss`. .. syntax-checker:: scss-lint Check syntax and lint with SCSS-Lint_. .. _SCSS-Lint: https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-scss-lintrc .. syntax-checker:: scss Check syntax with the `SCSS compiler `_. .. option:: flycheck-scss-compass Whether to enable the Compass CSS framework with ``--compass``. .. supported-language:: Shell scripting languages Flycheck checks various shell scripting languages: * Bash with `sh-bash` and `sh-shellcheck` * POSIX shell (i.e. :file:`/bin/sh`) with `sh-posix-dash` or `sh-posix-bash` * Zsh with `sh-zsh` .. syntax-checker:: sh-bash Check Bash_ syntax. .. _Bash: http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/ .. syntax-checker:: sh-posix-dash Check POSIX shell syntax with Dash_. .. _Dash: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/dash/ .. syntax-checker:: sh-posix-bash Check POSIX shell syntax with Bash_. .. syntax-checker:: sh-zsh Check `Zsh `_ syntax. .. syntax-checker:: sh-shellcheck Lint Bash and POSIX shell with ShellCheck_. .. _ShellCheck: https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/ .. option:: flycheck-shellcheck-excluded-warnings A list of excluded warnings. .. supported-language:: Slim .. syntax-checker:: slim Check Slim using the `Slim `_ compiler. .. supported-language:: SQL .. syntax-checker:: sql-sqlint Check SQL syntax with `Sqlint `_. .. supported-language:: TeX/LaTeX Flycheck checks TeX and LaTeX with either `tex-chktex` or `tex-lacheck`. .. syntax-checker:: tex-chktex Check style with `ChkTeX `_. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-chktexrc .. syntax-checker:: tex-lacheck Check style with `Lacheck `_. .. supported-language:: Texinfo .. syntax-checker:: texinfo Check syntax with :program:`makeinfo` from Texinfo_. .. _Texinfo: http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/ .. supported-language:: TypeScript .. syntax-checker:: typescript-tslint Check syntax and style with `TSLint `_. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-typescript-tslint-config .. important:: A configuration file is mandatory for this syntax checker. If `flycheck-typescript-tslint-config` is not set or the configuration file not found this syntax checker will not be used. .. option:: flycheck-typescript-tslint-rulesdir Additional rules directory, for user created rules. .. supported-language:: Verilog .. syntax-checker:: verilog-verilator Check syntax with `Verilator `_. .. option:: flycheck-verilator-include-path A list of include directories. Relative paths are relative to the file being checked. .. supported-language:: XML Flycheck checks XML with `xml-xmlstarlet` or `xml-xmllint`. .. syntax-checker:: xml-xmlstarlet Check syntax with `XMLStarlet `_. .. syntax-checker:: xml-xmllint Check syntax with :program:`xmllint` from Libxml2_. .. _Libxml2: http://www.xmlsoft.org/ .. supported-language:: YAML Flycheck checks YAML with `yaml-jsyaml` or `yaml-ruby`. .. syntax-checker:: yaml-jsyaml Check syntax with `js-yaml `_. .. syntax-checker:: yaml-ruby Check syntax with Ruby's YAML parser.